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Culinary Arts

Foods & Nutrition

Foods & Nutrition

Grade level:

9 to 12

Course units:

10 Credits – Year Course

Graduation requirement:

Career Technical Education

University of California/California State University a-g requirement:



Prerequisite:  None

Course Description:  This is a comprehensive course in foods and nutrition.  Upon completion of this course, students will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed food choices, prepare meals, and develop healthy eating patterns.  Course topics include: Facilities and Equipment, Nutrients and Nutrient Density, Food Choices, Food and Fitness, The Eleven Essential Cooking Techniques, Controversial Topics in Nutrition, Meal Planning, Consumer Decisions, Careers in Food Science, and Food and Culture.

Major Projects/Assignments:  Cooking labs, food rules project, controversial topic in nutrition project, food as medicine.

Approximate homework assigned daily: None, unless class work is not completed.  Students are expected to cook at home occasionally and informally track progress towards their personal nutrition goal.

BTV Segment on Culinary Arts

Culinary Arts

Culinary Arts

Grade level:

10 to 12

Course units:

10 Credits – Year Course

Graduation requirement:

Career Technical Education

University of California/California State University a-g requirement:



Prerequisite:  Foods & Nutrition

Course Description:  Culinary Arts is a concentration course in the career pathway of hospitality and tourism.  It builds upon the skills learned in Foods & Nutrition and aims to prepare students for work in the food industry.  This is a comprehensive course designed to help students expand their food preparation, menu planning, cost and nutritional skills beyond the basics.  Special emphasis given to use and care of specialized cooking equipment through meal planning and food preparation including budgeting, shopping and meal presentation.  Also covered: study of various cultures and cuisines, international food terms, special preparation techniques and the use of specialty seasonings.  Students will make connections to the careers related to the food service and hospitality industry.

Major Projects/Assignments:

  • Applied food preparation labs
  • Hospitality service projects
  • Research projects
  • Food critic reviews
  • Presentation and serving of food to staff/peers

Approximate homework assigned daily: None, unless class work is not completed.  Students are expected to cook at home occasionally and informally track progress towards their personal nutrition goal.

Career Guide - Food and Hospitality Pathway

Click on the image below for more information about this pathway. 

Food and Hospitality Career Guide

Culinary Arts

Culinary Arts

Grade level:

10 to 12

Course units:

10 Credits – Year Course

Graduation requirement:

Career Technical Education

University of California/California State University a-g requirement:



Prerequisite:  Foods & Nutrition

Course Description:  Culinary Arts is a concentration course in the career pathway of hospitality and tourism.  It builds upon the skills learned in Foods & Nutrition and aims to prepare students for work in the food industry.  This is a comprehensive course designed to help students expand their food preparation, menu planning, cost and nutritional skills beyond the basics.  Special emphasis given to use and care of specialized cooking equipment through meal planning and food preparation including budgeting, shopping and meal presentation.  Also covered: study of various cultures and cuisines, international food terms, special preparation techniques and the use of specialty seasonings.  Students will make connections to the careers related to the food service and hospitality industry.

Major Projects/Assignments:

  • Applied food preparation labs
  • Hospitality service projects
  • Research projects
  • Food critic reviews
  • Presentation and serving of food to staff/peers

Approximate homework assigned daily: None, unless class work is not completed.  Students are expected to cook at home occasionally and informally track progress towards their personal nutrition goal.

Career Guide - Food and Hospitality Pathway

Click on the image below for more information about this pathway. 

Food and Hospitality Career Guide