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Grade 10 Courses

Modern World History

Modern World History

Grade level:


Course units:

10 Credits – Year Course

Graduation requirement:

Social Science

University of California/California State University a-g requirement:



Prerequisite: Successful completion of Contemporary World Studies, recommended

Suggested Course Preparation/Critical Skills: 1 Students should have passed Contemporary World Studies, and should be reading and writing at grade level.

Course Description: Our curriculums follow a framework set forth in the California State Standards; thus the main emphasis of this class will be on Modern World History (the Enlightenment and Beyond), with a review of earlier periods.  Students in the class will develop an appreciation for the fundamental issues and themes that flow through Modern World history. It is expected that they master a broad body of historical knowledge. Additionally, they will use historical data to support a well-articulated argument or opinion.. As in all history classes at Burlingame High School, they will interpret and apply data from original documents, including cartoons, graphs, letters, etc. Finally, they will master the art of textbook reading/notetaking and analysis. Through all of this they will improve writing, research, and critical reading skills. Students will be prepared to take the California Standards Test in Modern World History in the spring.

Major Projects/Assignments: Students will participate in a variety of major assignments throughout the year, such as but not limited to the following: one 5 page research paper per semester, three analytical essays per semester, several debates, class discussions and other assignments which vary according to teacher preference.

Approximate homework assigned daily: 30 to 60 minutes. It is important to note that this serves as an estimate of the nightly average homework load.  It is not intended to be a concrete value and homework completion time will depend upon the nature of the assignment and the abilities and work habits of the student.

Advanced Placement (AP) World History: Modern

Advanced Placement (AP) World History: Modern

Grade level:


Course units:

10 Credits – Year Course

Graduation requirement:

Social Science

University of California/California State University a-g requirement:




Ethnic Studies with grade A or above, strongly recommended.
Suggested Course Preparation/Critical Skills: Students should have reading and writing skills above the 12th grade level. This course is intended to mimic an introductory college course and involves extensive reading and writing. 

Course Description:

Advanced Placement (AP) World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course that fulfills SMUHSD graduation requirements and is a course offered for 10th grade students not enrolled in College-Prep (CP) Modern World History. Students will explore major global turning points from c. 1200 CE to the present in order to better understand the background and context of modern global issues. Students will cultivate their understanding of world history through the analysis of primary sources while learning to make connections and craft historical arguments. Students will explore themes and concepts like humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation. This course is based on the CA History-Social Science Content Standards, the CA H-SS Framework, and the curriculum requirements of the College Board.

Highlights of Course Objectives:

  • Students will be able to analyze, interpret and use a wide variety of primary source materials in order to create and prove arguments. 

  • Students will write clear, precise essays that demonstrate understanding of historical events and trends using ample evidence and analysis. 

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic chronology and the major events, people and trends of world  history from 1250 to present. 

  • Students will work individually and in groups to create well-supported arguments, demonstrating knowledge through oral explanation and debate. 

Major Projects/Assignments: Essay and multiple choice exams will be regularly scheduled assessments. Debate, research, simulations and other creative projects will vary.

Approximate homework assigned daily:  Minimum of 60-90 minutes daily.  It is important to remember that assignments will vary in length and multiple days will often be given for a single assignment.  Students are expected to appropriate their time accordingly. In addition, daily reading, sometimes with accompanying assignments and sometimes independently. Students will need to factor in the pace at which they read!