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Directed Studies

Directed Studies

Directed Studies

Grade level:

9 to 12

Course units:

10 Credits – Year Course

Graduation requirement:


University of California/California State University a-g requirement:



Prerequisite:  Individual Education Plan team recommendation

Course Description: The Directed Studies class supports students in the completion of academic tasks assigned in their general education classes. This class allows students time to bring general education assignment questions to class in order to support assignment completion.  This differs from a homework center/study hall in that students do receive periodic direct instruction in organization, learning, and study strategies, as well as counseling in self-advocacy.  Through this class, students are provided the opportunity to work with their counselor on a daily basis, in order to support Individual Education Plan goals and general education academic success.

Major Projects/Assignments:  Varies according to teacher.  Examples include career and college research report, and personal reflection essays or projects on topics such as Individual Education Plan goals, personal learning styles/multiple intelligence, progress evaluation, and outside learning experiences.

Approximate homework assigned daily: Homework is periodically assigned to reinforce the development of skills or strategies necessary for academic success.