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School Advisory Council

School Advisory Council

SAC Responsibilities

To provide input, monitor and evaluate the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Allocate professional
development funds according to school goals.
Provide input/feedback for fundraising priorities.
The California Education Code requires the school site councils to:

  1. Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school.
  2. Seek input from school advisory committees.
  3. Reaffirm or revise school goals.
  4. Revise improvement strategies and expenditures.
  5. Recommend the approved Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to the governing board.
  6. Monitor implementation of the SPSA.
  7. Note: CDE Website

SAC members should have knowledge of, review and monitor:

  • Student achievement data including UC/CSU eligibility rates, CAASPP scores and results, CELDT scores, attendance and suspension rates, etc.
  • Implementation of school improvement efforts
  • District policies, State and federal requirements
  • The core instructional program
  • Discretionary and categorical funds


In order to conduct school business effectively, the school site council needs officers with stated responsibilities and authority including:

  • A chairperson to organize, convene, and lead meetings of the school site council. Sign all letters and reports of the school site council. Work with Principal to develop meeting agendas.
  • A vice chairperson to serve in the absence of the chairperson
  • A secretary to record actions taken at SAC meetings and keep council notes. Keep a register of names and email addresses of each member of the SAC
  • A parliamentarian to resolve questions of procedure, often with the help of Robert’s Rules of Order or similar guide
  • Other officers as necessary to perform stated duties in support of the work of the school site council

Composition of a Secondary School Site Council: At the secondary level, the SSC shall be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal (1), classroom teachers (5), and other school personnel (1), and (b) equal numbers of parents or other community members (4) selected by parents, and students (3).